The optimization of rehabilitation strategies in patients with sensorimotor disorders under different levels of central nervous system damage




The article demonstrates that despite undeniable achievements in the field of neurorehabilitation, a significant percentage of patients has persistent locomotion disorders even after timely and adequately applied rehabilitation measures. This is especially concern the patients during tardy rehabilitation and residual periods after stroke and with consequences of damage of spinal cord. The techniques of transcranial magnetic stimulation and somato-sensorial evoked biopotentials were applied to 100 patients with sensomotorial disorders after old stroke and after spinal damage at the level of thoracic spine. It was established that under different levels of damage of central nervous system occurs the formation of various pathologic states with complex of sensorimotor disorders. Hence, the detected patho-physiological alterations can be putted to the foundation of determination of the optimal program of neuro-rehabilitation process to attain better degree of recovering locomotion functions of these patients.


Оптимизация реабилитационных стратегий у больных с сенсомоторными нарушениями при разноуровневом поражении центральной нервной системы


Evgeniya Ekusheva

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119991, Moscow, Russia

Olga Shavlovskaya

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119991, Moscow, Russia

Igor Damulin


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