Vol 22, No 1 (2016)


The experience of functioning of oblast perinatal council of physicians on territory of the Chelyabinskaia oblast

Moskvitcheva M.G., Sakharova V.V., Semenov Y.A., Boyko I.V.


The article considers organizational issues of functioning of the oblastnoii perinatal council of physicians related to maintenance of availability of obstetric-gynecologic care of pregnant women on territory of the Chelyabinskaia oblast. The analysis of functioning of oblast perinatal council of physicians “The oblastnoii perinatal center” is presented with purpose of increasing of effectiveness of medical care of pregnant women.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):4-6
pages 4-6 views

The remote results of laser destruction of proliferating colloidal goiter

Aleksandrov Y.K., Semikov V.I., Kudachkov V.A., Sokolova E.I.


The article presents the remote results (time-period more than 1 year) of application of percutaneous laser destruction in treatment of nodular goiter in 164 patients. The reliable decreasing of dimensions and size of nodular formations of thyroid gland in early time-periods with continuation of regression during a year is established. In the following, slight regression was marked during 3,5-5 years. The morphological analysis established that in remote time-periods after percutaneous laser destruction of nodular proliferating colloid goiter the destroyed follicular epithelium and colloid are replaced by connective tissue structures with large amount of collagen guaranteeing long-term predictive result.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):7-9
pages 7-9 views

The analysis of density of endothelium cells in medium-term period of observation after endothelium keratoplastry with formation of transplant using femtosecond laser from the side of endothelium

Pogorelova S.S., Chentsova E.V., Grdikanyan A.A., Milash S.V., Oganesyan O.G.


The article presents the results of analysis of loss of density of endothelium cells after endothelium keratoplastry with formation of ultra-thin transplant using femtosecond laser from side of endothelium (UTinvFS-DSEK). The study sampling included 22 patients underwent UTinvFS-DSEK during 2012-2014 in the Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eye diseases. The average time-period of observation made up to 9.6 ± 4.3 months. The Fuchs dystrophy occurred in 31.8%, secondary dystrophy - in 45.4%, inconsistency of endothelium of kerato-transplant - in 22%. All patients were applied photo-registration, visiometry, auto-refractokeratometry, bio-microscopy, tonometry, kerato-analyzing, optical coherent tomography of front segment, confocal microscopy. During the first three years after transplantation, the average loss by endothelium cells made up to 60% of initial level. At that, average loss of density of endothelium cells made up to 1256 ± 450 cells per mm2. In time-periods of six months after surgery the average loss of density of endothelium cells made up to 64% of initial level. The loss of density of endothelium cells remained at the level of 64% after 12 months. In two patients under observation the average density of endothelium cells made up to 996±161 cells per mm 2 after 24 months. The analysis of dynamics of loss by endothelium cells after applied keratoplastry with formation of transplant using femtosecond laser from the side of endothelium demonstrated that received values of loss by cells in existing time-periods exceed, according publications' data, similar indicator after reach-through keratoplastry, standard endokeratoplastry and transplantation of Descemet's membrane with endothelium. The actual study has such certain limitations as average time-periods of observation, limited number of patients, minimal number of patients within time-period more than 24 months.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):10-13
pages 10-13 views

The diagnostic of viral intestinal infections in children

Kulieva Z.M., Rustamova L.I., Azizova N.A.


The article presents the results of diagnostic of viral intestinal infections in children of early age with emergency states. At that it is established that in etiological structure of acute intestinal infections viruses make up significant portion (68.5%) of all isolated agents.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):14-16
pages 14-16 views

The gender characteristics of clinical somatic and psycho-emotional status in patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency

Dadashova G.M.


The article presents the results of evaluation of gender characteristics of clinical somatic and psycho-emotional status in patients with chronic heart failure and old myocardium infarction, including analysis of their relationship with psycho-emotional conditions and possibilities of pharmaceutical correction. All patients were subjected to common techniques of clinical examination including, besides medical history information gathering, physical examination, test with six minutes walking, evaluation of clinical conditions according NYHA scale (R. Cody, 1993 modification of V.Yu. Mareiev 2000). The sampling for examination included 150 patients survived myocardium infarction, 75 males and 75 females. All examined patients were randomized on three groups. The patients of first group (25 males and 25 females) were given basic therapy and Perindopril (Prestarium, Servier) as inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme in dosage of 5-10 mg per day. The patients of second group (25 males and 25 females) besides basic therapy were given Valsartanum (Diovan, Novartis) in dosage of 80-160 mg per day. The scheme of treatment of patients of third group (25 males and 25 females) besides basic therapy (with inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme and/or blocker of angiotensin receptors) included Sertralinum (Zoloft, Phizer) in dosage of 50 mg per day. In the group of examined patients with chronic heart failure and old myocardium infarction, males were younger than females. The psycho-emotional overloads as risk factor were observed more frequently in female patients. It is established that in group of patients with chronic heart failure and old myocardium infarction frequently occurs diabetes mellitus being that in 2.3 times more often in females than in males. The arterial hypertension was detected in all females with chronic heart failure and old myocardium infarction. The duration of arterial hypertension also has its characteristics: females suffered from arterial hypertension twice more often than males. The applied therapy provided comparative clinical effect both in males and females of all groups. Against the background of therapy the maximal effect was observed in group of patients received Perindopril in combination with Sertralinum. The following gender characteristics of risk factors in patients with chronic heart failure and old myocardium infarction were detected: in females arterial hypertension was occurred 1.4 times more often (100%) and diabetes mellitus was detected 2.3 times more often (30%) in comparison with males. The duration of arterial hypertension also had gender characteristics because females suffered from arterial hypertension 2 times more often than males. Taking into account increased level of anxiety in most of the patients with chronic heart failure and old myocardium infarction the application of Sertralinum in composition of combined therapy results in additional positive clinical effects that is expressed more reliably in females.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):17-22
pages 17-22 views

The particular issues of therapy of acute transient psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia

Bardenshteyn L.M., Aleshkina G.A.


The study of clinical dynamical and therapeutic aspects of acute transient psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia was carried out on sampling of 77 examined patients with psychotic conditions corresponding to diagnostic criteria of ICD-10 for the given group of disorders (F 23.0, F 23.3, F 23.8, F 23.9). The clinical psycho-pathological, clinical catamnesis, psychometric and statistical techniques were applied. The data is presented concerning characteristics of development of acute transient psychotic disorders without symptoms of schizophrenia and also dynamics of psycho-pathologic symptomatic in process of anti-psychotic therapy. It is established that acute transient psychotic disorders revealed tendency to be recurrent in the form of productive psychotic disorders that shows the cause to prescribe supporting therapy after clinical reduction of first psychotic episode.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):22-25
pages 22-25 views

The development of model of pharmaceutical support of patients with social diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Sataeva L.G., Dzhaynakbaev N.T., Maksimkina E.A., Kelimkhanova S.E., Nurpeisova L.S., Chekotaeva K.A., Mirzabaeva N., Shukerbekova A.B., Kalieva J.D., Sagantaeva S.K., Maksutova D.J., Ilyasova M.I.


The article presents the organizational institutional model of pharmaceutical support of patients with socially significant diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):26-30
pages 26-30 views

The echocardiographic aspects of diagnostic of phenomenon of trabecularization of myocardium of left ventricle and non-compact myocardium

Dzhioeva O.N., Kartashova E.V., Zakharova I.I., Melekhov A.V., Gendlin G.E.


The left ventricular non-compaction is a disease characterizing by hyper-trabecularization of myocardium causing development of chronic heart failure. In the development of structural damages under this pathology the main role belongs to genetic disorders and dysfunction of organogenesis in early periods of gestation. The clinical manifestations are associated with development of systolic dysfunction of left ventricle, intricate abnormalities of rhythm and thromboembolic occurrences. In patients with systolic dysfunction of left ventricle phenomenon of hyper-trabecularization of myocardium is quite often found during transthoracic echocardiography. The modern diagnostic criteria permit approaching differentially issues of verification of non-compact myocardium and redundant trabecularization in patients with chronic heart failure with reduced fraction of output of left ventricle.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):31-36
pages 31-36 views

The perspectives of application of statins under pulmonary hypertension

Baksheev V.I., Kolomoetz N.M., Shklovskiy B.L., Oynotkinova O.S.


The present publications' review considers perspectives of application of statins under pulmonary hypertension. Nowadays, there are quite encouraging experimental data concerning positive versatile effect of statins on lesser blood circulation. The results of study of this issue with participation of patients are singular and continue to be controversial still. The clinical substantiation of application of new pharmaceuticals effecting molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension (re-modeling, endothelial dysfunction, function of right ventricle) requires carrying out of large investigations placebo-controlled by design and statistical processing. Precisely in this context the application of statins is of interest as potentially strategic direction in treatment of pulmonary hypertension.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):36-42
pages 36-42 views

The idle possibilities of laboratory diagnostic under treatment of patients with drug resistant tuberculosis

Popov S.A., Sabgayda T.P., Mozhokina G.N.


The article presents analysis of publications’ data related to problem of implementation of personified treatment of patients with tuberculosis. This kind of treatment is conditioned by fast development and propagation of drug resistance of M.tuberculosis and by complexity of selecting effective regimen of treatment of these patients. The technical possibilities are demonstrated suitable for implementation of such approach. The directions are determined concerning additional research in area of evaluation of impact effectiveness and pharmacokinetic parameters for large specter of anti-tuberculosis pharmaceuticals, agent drug resistance to them and genetic causation of development of negative side-reactions to chemotherapy.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):42-47
pages 42-47 views

The clinical aspects of effectiveness of incretin therapy (WNT-pathogenic path and polymorphism of gene TCF7L2)

Ametov A.S., Kamynina L.L., Akhmedova Z.G.


The article considers genetic susceptibility to development of diabetes mellitus type II, its micro-vascular complications and intensity of response under application of incretin therapy depending on carriage of polymorphism of gene TCF7L2 involved into WNT-path and incretin axis.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):47-51
pages 47-51 views

The history and clinical value of intraluminal endoscopy of digestive tract

Balalykin A.S., Mutsurov K.S., Gvozdik V.V., Verbovskiy A.N.


The article presents periods of development of intraluminal endoscopy in general. Especially, the input of national specialists is considered since their works yield not to works of foreign specialists. The intraluminal endoscopy, prior to becoming independent clinical direction as effective technique of diagnostic and treatment of various diseases, - passed long and thorny path from the first invention of P. Bozzini in 1807 to our time of digital endoscopy. The modern arsenal of endoscopic methods includes biopsy, radiopaque endoscopic through-papillary interventions (endoscopic retrograde pancreocholangiography, endoscopic papillotomy), endoscopic electroexcisio of neoplasms of gastrointestinal tract, techniques of hemostasia, fistuloscopy, chromoendoscopy, endoscopic ultrasonography, narrow band endoscopy, balloon-assisted and capsular enteroscopy, etc. The intraluminal endoscopic surgery under certain diseases became alternative to common surgical operations though its active development as a new direction was apprehended negatively by many doctors and heads of clinics.
Russian Medicine. 2016;22(1):52-56
pages 52-56 views

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